Thursday, January 28, 2010

Diet Soda...

So unfortunately, there is nothing that I seem to like more than soda (except for chocolate, ice cream, potato chips, etc etc). I know, it's not good for me, blah blah blah, but it is tasty!
So along the way of my diet (which is now coming up on almost a year! hooray me!), I've come across a number of relatively tasty DIET sodas. Yes, I used to run screaming away from the dreaded word DIET before the word soda. My irrational fear of diet soda probably is due to the fact that we actually used to have this crap in our house while I was growing up- it really doesn't get worse than Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. *shudders* Not only is it diet, but it's caffeine free, which totally misses the point of Pepsi in the first place. I'm sure if you added some brown food-coloring to seltzer water, it might actually have more flavor.
But I digress. And since I have wanted to continue drinking soda while dieting, I've had to come up with some calorie free or low calorie options...and that often includes diet soda.
And without further ado, Lauren's Favorite Diet Sodas! (while they are numbered, there is not really an order of preference).

1. Diet Coke. Ah yes, the classic. Who doesn't drink Diet Coke? I will be the first to admit that this has been an acquired taste for me. I love Coke, so switching from Coke to Diet Coke was a bit of a struggle. I have now learned to love Diet Coke, just not as much as Coke. While I am not a big fan of lime, I have heard rave reviews of Diet Coke with Lime, so if you like lime, I would definitely check that one out.
2. Diet Dr Pepper. Unlike with Diet Coke, I did not have any problems drinking Diet Dr. Pepper. That could be, however, because I never really drank regular Dr. Pepper, so there wasn't an obvious taste difference here. However, I don't think Diet Dr. Pepper tastes all that "diet-y" anyway.
3. Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry. Even better than Diet Dr. Pepper. Good cherry flavor, not the overpowering taste of Nutrisweet...definitely tastes more like regular cherry cola...however, I never really drink Dr. Pepper again...
4. Coke Zero. Coke Zero markets itself as having real coke taste, zero calories. It definitely has a much closer taste to regular Coke than Diet Coke, but still not quite there. I much prefer Coke Zero over Diet Coke. A slight peeve of mine for this is that it is not as widely available in restaurants. The only restaurant I can find it at regularly is Five Guys...and really, if you're eating a huge burger and an order of fries, I think calories from your soda is frankly the last of your caloric concerns. :)
5. Sprite Zero. I must say that this one tastes more like regular Sprite than Coke Zero tastes like regular Coke. I absolutely love Sprite Zero.
6. Diet Sunkist Lemonade. This one is not 0 calories like all of the others so far, but for 10 calories per can, I can totally make this a regular in my fridge.
7. Diet Cherry 7Up with Antioxidant. I admit, this one made me a little hesitant at first. Who cares if soda has antioxidant? Clearly, if I was concerned about my health I wouldn't be drinking soda in the first place (hahaha). If you like cherry but not so much cola, cherry 7Up is a pretty good choice. My main peeve with this soda is it seems to be exceptionally carbonated. For real. I usually can only drink one of these a day.
8. Diet 7Up. Still not as diet-y and far far less carbonation than Diet 7Up Cherry....
9. Mr. Pibb Zero. I have a very difficult time locating this both locally (I've seen it in Pick N Save like twice) and on the web. It's like it doesn't really exist! Okay, it really does exist, and if you can find a 12 pack, I highly recommend trying it if you like Dr. Pepper, or if you like Mr. Pibb. I think Mr. Pibb used to be better than Pibb Xtra, but I'll take what I can get.
10. Sprecher Lo-Cal Root Beer. Oh, if only all of the other Sprecher sodas came in a lo-cal variety!! I would actually recommend ANY of the Sprecher sodas, but sadly, none of the others are diet-friendly (all of the other sodas range between 4-6 weight watchers points...for 1 soda). Kudos to Sprecher for making such a yummy diet option.

Sodas that did not make the cut:
Diet Pepsi anything. I hate Diet Pepsi with a fiery passion. Again, I believe it goes back to having Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi in my house....
Caffeine Free Diet Anything. Ew, just ew.
Cherry Coke Zero. They try, but IMO, fail.
Vanilla Coke Zero. Just, ew.
Diet Mountain Dew...

Any other suggestions for sodas that should make the cut, or sodas that definitely do NOT make the cut??
Now if only they could come up with a good, diet ice cream.


ET said...

I agree its a shame more restaurants don't serve "zero" products. Although they probably figure you're ingesting enough calories in their food that the soda won't really matter that much to you.....

My pet peeve is restaurants that don't even ask if you want a refill and then vanish with your half full glass only to return with another full one. it's near impossible to keep track of how much soda I've had at those places.

L. said...

Re restaurant soda refills...I totally agree. That is why I usually get diet coke/pepsi (despite my extreme dislike of diet pepsi, as you may have read about, lol) just so that i don't have to attempt to keep track. Dear restaurants, please bring in the Coke Zero! Or Sprite Zero! Or even better, PIBB ZERO!!!