Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New Year!

Okay, so I really pretty much just stopped blogging about my weight loss "adventure" a few months back. But now, I have been wanting to blog again and I figure that can be part of my "new year's resolutions."
So, I more or less accomplished my weight loss goal (I'm now hovering between 134-136, depending on the time of day and time of month). Hooray for me! I did not hit my goal at the allotted time (mid-November) because from about mid-October to mid-November I was so busy and away from my house a lot so I more or less just made it my goal for that month to Not. Gain. Any. Weight. Back. I pretty much succeeded. I didn't "officially" weigh in before I left for Mexico, but I was around 138. Sweet.
After getting back from Mexico, I more or less dropped those extra 2-4 pounds.
Now, I am faced with the difficult task of maintaining my current weight, as well as assisting my husband in his diet.
I am going to make it my goal to post in my weight loss blog once a week! This doesn't count- so I've got until Saturday night to write another post. :)

1 comment:

ET said...

Good luck as you aim to maintain your weight and way to go on reaching your goal!